Singing Guide: Jekyll & Hyde

Singing Guide: Jekyll & Hyde

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you're interested in learning how to sing like Jekyll & Hyde, you're in the right place! Jekyll & Hyde is a musical based on Robert Louis Stevenson's novel The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. The show's music, by Frank Wildhorn, is known for its dramatic and powerful vocal performances. In order to learn how to sing like Jekyll & Hyde, you must first understand the unique vocal techniques that make up the show's signature sound.

One of the most important aspects of singing like Jekyll & Hyde is mastering your vocal range. The vocals in this show require a wide range, especially in terms of hitting high notes. Before you begin practicing, you may want to take Singing Carrot's Vocal Range Test to determine your starting point.

Another crucial technique for singing like Jekyll & Hyde is learning to control your voice registers. This includes being able to transition smoothly between your chest voice and your head voice. Singing Carrot's Voice Registers & Vocal Break articles will provide a deeper understanding of how this is done.

Once you have comfortable control over your voice registers, it's time to master breath support. Singing Carrot's Breathing Basics and Breath Support articles are good references on the topic. Breath support is important to being able to sustain long, powerful notes.

Jekyll & Hyde's music requires precise articulation, particularly when it comes to consonants. Keeping the mouth open and throat relaxed is beneficial here, as it keeps the sound from becoming too tight. Check out Singing Carrot's Open Mouth & Throat article for some tips.

Learning to sing like Jekyll & Hyde also requires performing with emotion. Find ways to connect with the lyrics and music on a deeper level to draw out their authentic meaning. Singing Carrot's Singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking will provide some helpful insights here.

Here are some songs to showcase Jekyll & Hyde's unique vocal techniques:

  • This is the Moment: A challenging piece with difficult key changes that requires skillful use of head voice.
  • In His Eyes: A duet that shows off the interplay between chest and head voice
  • Alive: A power ballad that requires powerful breath support

In Jekyll & Hyde, there are contemporary vocal techniques such as heavy modal, twang, and belting, among others. Singing Carrot's Contemporary vocal techniques: Heavy modal, Twang, Belting article is a great resource for learning these techniques.

If you're looking for more in-depth learning, consider Singing Carrot's Educational Singing Course. It's a 21-lesson program that delves into singing theory and practical tips.

In conclusion, to sing like Jekyll & Hyde, you need to develop strong breath support, vocal range and control, and emotional expression. Use the Singing Carrot resources provided for good foundational knowledge and keep practicing with Jekyll & Hyde songs to refine your technique and performance.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.